Update: Apparently there is no simple way of doing what I have described above. So is there something simple (obtuse) that I just overlooked or is this software still not ready? I’m fairly certain that “I” could get similar functionality using the python features, but one shouldn’t need to know how to program to use basic features. I’ve been wanting to move my entire extended family to an Open Source Alternative for years now (since 1999) but there are common tasks that have either been overlooked or have a huge (unacceptable) learning curve when coming in at the level of an average office worker knowledgebase.
I’ve scoured google for more time than I should have the only thing that comes even close to what I’m looking for is ArrayFunctions which doesn’t provide the behavior described above. I just can’t seem to do this with LibreOffice. One of the most common features I use in excel is the Ctrl+Enter/Ctrl+Shift+Enter that allows one to put a formula in a single cell and populate each successive row/column with the corresponding row/column variables whether it be a vertical selection, or a horizontal selection (slightly different behaviors). I’m coming from a Microsoft Office background.